Supervision, Law, & Ethics

with Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW

Supervisors have ethical responsibilities to supervisees, clients, and the profession, and are guided by laws regarding client care and employment. This course provides the latest legal and ethical information to supervisors working in mental health settings. Topics include: ethical decision making, ethics of supervision, the difference between psychotherapy and supervision, laws that impact supervisors and supervisees, telemental health supervision, documentation, liability risk and risk prevention, supervisory competency expectations, ethical expectations of supervisees, termination of employment, dual relationships. Material will be covered through lecture, discussion, and vignettes. This course fulfills BBS requirements for either 6 hours of training in supervision or law and ethics and BOP requirement* for 6 hours of training in supervision.
*Psychologist do not have a specific requirement for Law and Ethics CEs.

At the end of this training, participants will be able to:
 ▻  Explain at least five (≥5) aspects of ethical decision making.
 ▻  Describe at least three (≥3) ethical responsibilities as supervisors.
 ▻  List three (3) differences between psychotherapy and supervision.
 ▻  Discuss at least two (≥2) ways they and their supervisee(s) will maintain confidentiality while engaging in supervision via telehealth.
 ▻  Explain how to follow each law regarding mandatory reporting to supervisee(s).
 ▻  List two (2) reasons to document supervision.
 ▻  Utilize three (3) strategies to reduce their level of liability risk.
 ▻  Explain the differences between three (3) ethical and three unethical dual relationships with supervisee(s).

Rachel Michaelsen, LCSW, is a clinical social worker who has worked in HMOs, public agencies, and private practice as both a mental-health provider and a supervisor for over thirty years. She is a CAMFT certified supervisor and has a Certificate in Advanced Supervision from Smith College School for Social Work. She teaches courses in clinical supervision, law and ethics, diagnoses, time management, vicarious traumatization and energy psychology at universities, conferences, and mental-health agencies. She is the immediate past chair of the Association for Energy Psychology’s Humanitarian Committee. Rachel maintains a clinical practice and provides group and individual consultation and supervision.

C u r r i c u l u m

Bay Area Community Counseling

The Institute for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (IAP) is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for licensed mental health clinicians and psychologists. IAP maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

John Smith


Highly Recommended Course. Easy to Understand, Informative, Very Well Organized. The Course is Full of Practical and Valuable for Anyone who wants to Enhance their Skills. Really Enjoyed it. Thank you!!